In this article, we formulate nabla fractional sums and differences of order 0 < α ≤ 1 on the time scale hZ, where 0 < h ≤ 1. Then, we prove that if the nabla h-Riemann-Liouville (RL) fractional difference operator (a ∇ α h y)(t) > 0, then y(t) is α-increasing. Conversely, if y(t) is α-increasing and y(a) > 0, then (a ∇ α h y)(t) > 0. The monotonicity results for the nabla h-Caputo fractional difference operator are also concluded by using the relation between h-nabla RL and Caputo fractional difference operators. It is observed that the reported monotonicity coefficient is not affected by the step h. We formulate a nabla h-fractional difference initial value problem as well. Finally, we furniture our results by proving a fractional difference version of the Mean Value Theorem (MVT) on hZ.