Transport of fast electron in overdense plasmas is of key importance in high energy density physics. However, it is challenging to diagnose the fast electron transport in experiments. In this article, we study CTR generated by fast electrons on the back surface of the target by using 2D and 3D first-principle particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. In our simulations, aluminium target of 2.7 g/cc with collision and ionization dynamics of solid are taken and simulated by using a newly developed high order implicit PIC method, which enable our simulations quite close to real situations. Simulations indicate the diameter of CTR increases when the thickness of the target is increased. This is attributed to synergetic energy losses of high flux fast electrons due to Ohm heatings and colliding drags, which appear quite significant even when the thickness of the solid target only differs by micrometers. Especially, when the diagnosing position is fixed, we find that the intensity distribution of the CTR is also a function of time, with the diameter increased with time. As the diameter of CTR is related to the speed of electrons passing through the back surface of the target, our finding may be used as a new tool to diagnose the electron energy spectra near the surface of solid density plasmas.