Abstract. The ambiguous representation of hydrological processes has led to the
formulation of the multiple hypotheses approach in hydrological modeling,
which requires new ways of model construction. However, most recent studies
focus only on the comparison of predefined model structures or building a
model step by step. This study tackles the problem the other way around: we
start with one complex model structure, which includes all processes deemed
to be important for the catchment. Next, we create 13 additional simplified
models, where some of the processes from the starting structure are disabled.
The performance of those models is evaluated using three objective functions
(logarithmic Nash–Sutcliffe; percentage bias, PBIAS; and the ratio between the root mean
square error and the standard deviation of the measured data). Through this
incremental breakdown, we identify the most important processes and detect
the restraining ones. This procedure allows constructing a more streamlined,
subsequent 15th model with improved model performance, less uncertainty and
higher model efficiency. We benchmark the original Model 1 and the final
Model 15 with HBV Light. The final model is not able to outperform HBV Light,
but we find that the incremental model breakdown leads to a structure with
good model performance, fewer but more relevant processes and fewer model