The phase diagram of the quasi-two-dimensional easy-plane antiferromagnetic model, with a magnetic field applied in the easy plane, is studied using the self-consistent harmonic approximation. We found a linear dependence of the transition temperature as a function of the field for large values of the field. Our results are in agreement with experimental data for the spin-1 honeycomb compound BaNi 2 V 2 O 3 . DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.212408 PACS number͑s͒: 75.10.Hk, 75.30.Kz, 75.40.Mg The XY model in two dimensions provides the best example of a phase transition mediated by topological defects. A variety of analytical and numerical methods have been presented in the literature in an attempt to fully understand the nature of its transition. As it is well known the model has a phase transition at a temperature T BKT called the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless ͑BKT͒ temperature. 1,2 This phase transition is associated with the emergence of a topological order, resulting from the pairing of vortices with opposite circulation. The BKT mechanism does not involve any spontaneous symmetry breaking 3 and emergence of a spatially uniform order parameter. The low-temperature phase is associated with a quasi-long-range order for finite T, with the correlation of the order parameter decaying algebraically in space. Above the critical temperature the correlations decay exponentially. This picture is applicable to a wide variety of two-dimensional phenomena. 4 A recent experiment in a trapped atomic gas 5 not only confirms the BKT theory in a new system, but also reveals for the first time the role played by local topological defects or vortices. A very convenient technique to study the XY model is the self-consistent harmonic approximation ͑SHCA͒. The SHCA was originally proposed by Pokrovsky and Uimin 6 to study the twodimensional ͑2D͒ classical planar rotor model. Later, Minnhagen 7 pointed out that the SCHA overestimated the transition temperature because it did not take into account vortex fluctuations and he suggested a way to improve the thermodynamics of the planar rotor by replacing the exchange constant J with a "renormalized" J͑T͒. This procedure leads to a better estimate of T BKT . Menezes et al. 8 extended the SCHA to the classical XY model and Pires 9 applied it to the quantum model. The approximation consists in replacing the Hamiltonian of the system by an effective harmonic Hamiltonian with renormalized parameters. Several applications to classical systems were found to agree very well with Monte Carlo and experimental results.
10,11The SCHA was also used in the study of the 1D quantum sine-Gordon problem, where it describes correctly the phase transition of the model. The reason is that it is equivalent to a renormalization-group analysis to one loop. 12 To test the reliability of the quantum SCHA we will compare the transition temperature calculated theoretically with experimental results, for two S = 1 compounds. 13 In these cases we have an exchange anisotropy of the form A͑S i z S j z ͒. The calculati...