To cite this article: S.A. Safron (1975) Product translational energy distributions from the harmonic model for unimolecular decomposition, Formulae for the distribution of relative translational energy of products from decomposition of collision complexes are derived from the Slater model of unimolecular rate theory. The development presented parallels the statistical transition state theory (RRKM) approach. Although a similar form of the energy distribution is found, the identical result is obtained in the classical limit only for the special case of a 'loose' complex configuration at the critical point.
INTRODUCTIONThe translational energy distribution of unimolecular decomposition products reflects as much about the dynamical structure of the fragmenting molecule as does the better known angular distribution [1-3]. The great majority of reactions involving long-lived collision complexes have been found to correlate well with the simple predictions of the transition state model (TSM), based on the statistical Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) theory for unimolecular decomposition [4,5]. In its present formulation the TSM treats the decomposition as that of a ' loose ' complex with the critical point at the top of the centrifugal barrier, which has been shown to be equivalent to the phasespace model of Light and co-workers [6,7]. Recent molecular beam experiments [2], however, show that there are important reactions which proceed via complex formation that do not conform to the TSM. The present indication is that while the basic statistical RRKM approach may be appropriate, structural features of a ' tight ' complex have yet to be properly incorporated [8,5].In this paper an harmonic model (HM) for the translational energy distribution of the fragments is developed in terms of the Slater model for unimolecular decomposition [9], paralleling the development of the TSM in [4]. Energy randomization among the vibrational modes due to anharmonicity is treated in the sense of Solc [10] ; that is (as in the RRKM treatment), anharmonicity is recognized as the mechanism for intramolecular energy transfer which is rapid compared to the complex dissociation rate, but the harmonic nature of the vibrational modes is not otherwise affected. Because the HM is a thoroughly classical model, it can never be viable in the sense of the TSM; yet, it can suggest possible modifications of the TSM for ' tight ' complexes. Slater [11] has shown that when all vibrations participate in energy randomization, the classical form of the RRKM rate constant is obtained. However, the classical Downloaded by [Michigan State University] at