Summary: This paper is a guide to the ANSI standard C code of CASINO program which is a single scattering Monte CArlo SImulation of electroN trajectory in sOlid specially designed for low-beam interaction in a bulk and thin foil. CASINO can be used either on a DOS-based PC or on a UNIX-based workstation. This program uses tabulated Mott elastic cross sections and experimentally determined stopping powers. Function pointers are used for the most essential routine so that different physical models can easily be implemented. CASINO can be used to generate all of the recorded signals (x-rays, secondary, and backscattered) in a scanning electron microscope either as a point analysis, as a linescan, or as an image format, for all the accelerated voltages (0.1-30 kV). As an example of application, it was found that a 20 nm Guinier-Preston Mg 2 Si in a light aluminum matrix can, theoretically, be imaged with a microchannel backscattered detector at 5 keV with a beam spot size of 5 nm.