Probability measures supported on submanifolds can be sampled by adding an extra momentum variable to the state of the system, and discretizing the associated Hamiltonian dynamics with some stochastic perturbation in the extra variable. In order to avoid biases in the invariant probability measures sampled by discretizations of these stochastically perturbed Hamiltonian dynamics, a Metropolis rejection procedure can be considered. The so-obtained scheme belongs to the class of generalized Hybrid Monte Carlo (GHMC) algorithms. We show here how to generalize to GHMC a procedure suggested by Goodman, Holmes-Cerfon and Zappa for Metropolis random walks on submanifolds, where a reverse projection check is performed to enforce the reversibility of the algorithm for any timesteps and hence avoid biases in the invariant measure. We also provide a full mathematical analysis of such procedures, as well as numerical experiments demonstrating the importance of the reverse projection check on simple toy examples.
Mathematical setting and resultsWe first describe in Section 2.1 the target probability measures we are interested in sampling. The core of our analysis is presented in Section 2.2, where we show how to rigorously formalize the reversibility properties of discretizations of the Hamiltonian dynamics on a submanifold for possibly large timesteps. One crucial ingredient in this analysis is the Lagrange multiplier function, which associates to a state on the submanifold and another state close to the submanifold (obtained by an unconstrained step of the dynamics) a new state on the submanifold. Examples of such Lagrange multiplier functions are provided in Section 2.3. Once the discretization of the Hamiltonian part of the dynamics is clear, GHMC schemes follow in a straightforward way; see Section 2.4.
Geometric settingLet us first introduce the measures we are interested in sampling, namely the target measure (2) below, as well as the probability measure (4) on an extended space, which admits (2) as a marginal. We only provide the most essential objects needed for our analysis. For more details and motivations for the definitions and results given here, we refer the reader to the standard reference textbooks [1,4], and also to [22, Chapter 3.3.2] for a self-contained presentation.
Target measureWe denote by d the dimension of the ambient space, and consider a submanifold M ⊂ R d defined as the zero level set of a given smooth function ξ :For example, the function ξ encodes molecular constraints or reaction coordinates in molecular dynamics, or is a summary statistics in Approximate Bayesian Computations. Let M ∈ R d×d be a fixed symmetric positive definite matrix, which is interpreted as the mass tensor below. The ambient space R d is endowed with the scalar product q,q M = q T Mq. One could take for simplicity M = Id but it is sometimes useful to consider non identity mass matrices for numerical purposes [13]. The function ξ is assumed to be smooth on a neighborhood of M in R d and such thatis an invertible matrix for...