Fluorescence enhancement in samples irradiated in a scanning electron microscope or an electron microprobe should be appropriately assessed in order not to distort quantitative analyses. Several models have been proposed to take into account this effect and current quantification routines are based on them, many of which have been developed under the assumption that bremsstrahlung fluorescence correction is negligible when compared to characteristic enhancement; however, no concluding arguments have been provided in order to support this assumption. As detectors are unable to discriminate primary from secondary characteristic X-rays, Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport becomes a determinant tool in the study of this fluorescence enhancement. In this work, bremsstrahlung fluorescence enhancement in electron probe microanalysis has been studied by using the interaction forcing routine offered by penelope 2008 as a variance reduction alternative. The developed software allowed us to show that bremsstrahlung and characteristic fluorescence corrections are in fact comparable in the studied cases. As an extra result, the interaction forcing approach appears as a most efficient method, not only in the computation of the continuum enhancement but also for the assessment of the characteristic fluorescence correction.