GHz and 10 THz (what is equivalent to wave lengths between 3 mm and 30 μm) are typically referred as the terahertz gap, and, as observed in Figure 1, they are placed just between the regions exploited by electronics and photonics. as sources of lower-frequency signals, use resonant-tunneling diodes (RTDs), Gunn diodes and IMPATT (IMPact ionization Avalanche Transit Time) diodes, and oscillators based on both HBTs (Heterojunction Bipolar Transitors) and HEMTs (High-Electron Mobility Transistors). The last approach is related to optoelectronics, in which the most common systems used to this end, even if they are quite bulky, are the electron velocity in the material and the operation frequency. And secondly, the limited demand of these devices till ten years ago, since their applications were restricted nearly exclusively to so specialized fields like molecular spectroscopy and radioastronomy. However, with the new millennium important applications of THz signals have emerged, as previously mentioned, in fields like defense, telecommunications, identification of chemical composites and biological substances, etc. f v / f D. The solution from solid-state electronics Electronic transport processes determine the basic principles of operation of most semiconductor devices and, what is more, they establish the relevant device properties of nearly all devices of interest in high-speed electronics. Thus, advanced phonon emission (OPTTR, Optical Phonon Transit Time Resonance) 21-23 and (ii) Gunn oscillations 24-26 in nanometric Self-Switching Diodes (SSDs). 27 emission, coupled in quasi-ballistic regime to the plasma frequency of the active region of a semiconductor diode. In a resumed way, the idea is to take advantage of the periodic carrier dynamics originated by optical phonon emission when a constant voltage is applied to the device. The carriers, accelerated by the electric field, move ballistically till gaining the energy corresponding to an optical phonon, that they immediately emit, and then repeat the acceleration/emission cycle. This cyclic