The deuterium-tritium neutron generator should be fully shielded for the
safety of the operators participating in the experiments since the D-T
neutron generator is commonly used in activation experiments. In this
study, MCNP5 code was used to simulate the shielding effect of the neutron
thermalization device previously designed by our group with Pb and
boron-containing polyethylene as the shielding material. The neutron dose
rate outside of the previous thermalization device can not meet the
requirement, so a concrete wall is needed between the device and the
operators. Two models are designed with concrete walls. One model is that
the device and the experimental operators are not in the same room, another
one is that the device and the experimental operators are in the same room,
and there is an L-shaped concrete wall between them. In both models, the
dose rate to the operators was less than 5 ?Svh-1.