Recently started E336 collaboration will study excitation of transverse and longitudinal wakefields by an ultra-dense FACET-II electron bunch in evacuated channels such as stacks of CNTs or micron-or submicron channel arrays in O(1 mm) long dielectric targets. PIC simulations indicate that even with the micron-scale FACET-II bunches that extend over many nano-or micro-tubes, the PWA effects will result in beam nanomodulation and an easily detectable expansion of the angular spread of the 10-GeV beam electrons, far exceeding that from just a multiple scattering process. Next phase of the E336 experiments will study formation of the beam nano-bunches in the solid plasma, observation of the betatron radiation, and, eventually, particle acceleration by ultra-strong longitudinal wakefields.Required also is an in-depth research on dynamics of beam-plasma instabilities in ultradense plasma, its development and suppression in structured media like CNTs and crystals, and its potential use as a pre-modulator or as an amplifier for easier detection of the imprint of the nanostructure on the beam in E336 experiment. The recent invention of the thin film compression technique opens the way to introduce the availability of the singlecycled laser pulse and thus the relativistic compressed X-ray laser pulse, which fits the need for X-ray-driven nanostructure PWA. Given the tremendous promise of the crystal/CNT channeling acceleration and the not-yet fully explored complexity of the beam, laser and plasma physics involved in corresponding phenomena at the nanometer scales, exploration of promising near-term applications, serious theoretical analysis, and advanced computer