We present results from Monte Carlo simulations to test for ultrametricity and clustering properties in spin-glass models. By using a one-dimensional Ising spin glass with random power-law interactions where the universality class of the model can be tuned by changing the power-law exponent, we find signatures of ultrametric behavior both in the mean-field and non-mean-field universality classes for large linear system sizes. Furthermore, we confirm the existence of nontrivial connected components in phase space via a clustering analysis of configurations. The nature of the spin-glass state is controversial and it is unclear if the mean-field replica symmetry breaking (RSB) picture [2], the droplet picture [7,8], or an intermediate phenomenological scenario dubbed as TNT [9,10] (for "trivial-nontrivial") describes the nature of the spin-glass state best. One way to settle the applicability of the RSB picture to short-range (SR) spin glasses is by testing if the phase space is UM. Unfortunately, the existence of an UM phase structure for SR spin glasses is controversial, mainly because only small linear system sizes have been accessible so far. Recent results [11] suggest that SR systems are not UM, whereas other opinions exist [12,13,14,15]. Thus it is of paramount importance to test if SR spin glasses have an UM phase space.In this work we approach the problem from a different angle: First, we use a one-dimensional (1D) Ising spin-glass with power-law interactions. The model has the advantage that large linear system sizes can be studied. Furthermore, by tuning the exponent of the power law, the universality class of the model can be tuned between a mean-field and a non-mean-field universality class. This allows us to test our analysis method on the mean-field SK model and then apply it to regions of phase space where the system is not mean-field like. We perform a clustering analysis of the data similar to the work of Hed et al.[11] to obtain nontrivial triangles in phase space and introduce a novel correlator which allows us to see an UM signature for low temperatures and delivers we expect SK-like infinite-range behaviour. For 1/2 < σ ≤ 2/3 we have mean-field (MF) behaviour corresponding to an effective space dimension d eff ≥ 6, whereas for 2/3 < σ ≤ 1 we have a long-range (non-MF) spin glass with a ordering temperature Tc > 0. Close to σ = 2/3 (vertical red line)no signal for high temperatures. Furthermore, we use a clustering analysis to search for connected components in phase space. The proposed method can be applied to any field of science to test for an UM structure of phase space, thus making the method generally applicable. Our results for low temperatures show that for this model the phase space has an UM signature and exhibits many phase-space components, the number growing with system size in the mean-field as well as non-mean-field case. This suggests that for large enough system sizes SR spin glasses at low enough temperatures might have an UM phase space structure.Model.-The Hamiltonian of the...