In this work we present a set of microscopic U (1)× U (1) models which realize insulating phases with a quantized Hall conductivity σ xy . The models are defined in terms of physical degrees of freedom, and can be realized by local Hamiltonians. For one set of these models, we find that σ xy is quantized to be an even integer. The origin of this effect is a condensation of objects made up of bosons of one species bound to a single vortex of the other species. For other models, the Hall conductivity can be quantized as a rational number times two. For these systems, the condensed objects contain bosons of one species bound to multiple vortices of the other species. These systems have excitations carrying fractional charges and non-trivial mutual statistics. We present sign-free reformulations of these models which can be studied in Monte Carlo, and we use such reformulations to numerically detect a gapless boundary between the quantum Hall and trivial insulator states. We also present the broader phase diagrams of the models.(1)The J 1 variables are integer-valued conserved currents residing on a cubic lattice (the 'direct' lattice) labeled with the index r. They satisfy ∇ · J 1 = 0, which means that they form closed 2