The global energy matrix has been transforming in recent years and today it is moving toward a decentralized form of management for the generation of clean energy worldwide. With this, new ways of management for the energy environment has been emerging, being the Energy Cloud (EC), through cloud computing, one of these trends that seek to optimize the process of generation, distribution, storage and energy consumption, making the most flexible and dynamic energy market. Given these motivations, the objective of this article is to discuss the proposal of a series of technical, economic, and environmental standards for energy management in a cloud computing environment. For this, a systematic review was carried out to identify these regulatory suggestions, where through the reading and analysis of 121 articles, 72 suggestions were extracted and classified according to the layers and management support blocks of from EC management environment. Besides, these policies were grouped according to their approach into technical, economic, and environmental factors to identify what was already proposed by the academy's authors and what are the regulatory deficiencies for EC. These regulatory suggestions can be used by policy‐makers, researchers, and managers of this innovative energy management environment, which is the EC.
Novelty Statement
This study consists of a regulatory proposal for Energy Cloud (EC), an innovative energy management environment. As there is still no regulatory body responsible for the regulation of EC, the main contribution of this article is the proposal of a regulation layer. In this sense, 72 suggestions for standards were raised, presenting a new layer for EC.