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AbstractSince 1996, the ELF Group has been involved in a number of deep water drilling campaigns, especially in West Africa. Converted rigs have been used and proved satisfactory. Structural modifications for increased payload and/or deck space, as well as subsea equipment and riser upgrades are all important issues to consider when upgrading a rig for deep water. But this paper will more specifically deal with another important issue which is mooring system upgrade.The JIM CUNNINGHAM, operated by READING & BATES and the SEDCO S700 operated by SEDCO FOREX, have been under contract with ELF, to drill in WEST AFRICA in water depths between 600m and 1400m. Due to the particular configuration of each rig, different solutions have been adopted for mooring system upgrade, which are compared in the paper. Deployment method, anchor handling requirements and efficiency are discussed. In both cases, experience and co-operation between the drilling contractors and ELF teams brought significant improvement and optimisation into the preparation and into the performance of the rig moves. Key learning's throughout ELF experience of deep water anchoring are presented. Now, for ELF to continue to drill extensively and deeper offshore West Africa, it has been necessary for us to investigate new mooring configurations and new mooring components. Since December 1997, the SEDCO S700 has been equipped with one polyester line inserted into the rig mooring system and taking its own share of the loads. Latest results of the instrumentation data processed are presented. In the meantime, ELF has evaluated the potential for doing pre-set mooring in West Africa. Great benefits of this method are discussed in the paper, through the analysis of various mooring configurations.