The instrument of noble character is arranged to get a valid and reliable instrument that can measure the noble character of students in Islamic Senior High School. The research method uses a survey, with the number of testing respondents as many as 597 students, using a Likert scale model. Instrument testing begins with a theoretical validity test by 4 experts and 20 panel members by examining the instrument items. Experts analyzes qualitatively, after the instrument is corrected as suggested by expert advice. Then it is examined by a panel that analyzes quantitatively using the Aiken index of 69 items, 17 indicators and 4 dimensions. The results of the analysis show that all items are valid. The next step is empirical validity test, where analysis of measurement model uses Confirmatory Analysis Factor (CFA) with Lisrel 8.80 Full Version program. The test results show 62 items valid, with criteria of SLF value ≥ 0.30 and t-value ≥ 1.96, and calculating reliability with construct Reliability (CR), the calculated results are reliable with CR> 0.70. From the observation of the model compatibility test towards the noble character instrument, it can be concluded that there is a match between the theoretical and empirical models.