Remarks on the examination Miscellaneous remarkswas not checked-very few teachers knew enough about the children to be able to grade them on the basis of their general morality. The "school status" which refers to the social status of each school tested, was recorded. Xo use has been made of the data thus obtained. All the children tested were whites; in grades where one or more colored children were present the teacher was requested to destroy their papers. This was done in all cases.In our explanation we shall first consider Part II of the Test which is divided into eight chief headings. Each of these groups involves a different kind of problem and each problem is presented in a different way.Group I reads: I. Is it a sin, (Answer "yes" or "no".) 1 to stay away from church on Sunday? 2 to go to bed without saying your prayers? 3 not to say "grace" before meals? 4 to talk about someone you do not like' 5 to talk in school? 6 to throw snowballs? 7 to throw snowballs when forbidden to do so? 8 to tell or listen to a bad joke or story? 9 to look at pictures thai are not nice? 10 to keep the change if the clerk gives yon too much? 11 to fight? 12 to cheat? 13 to flirt?Group I asks, Is it a sin to do those things which are enumerated above. The answer is to be in the form "Yes" or "No." The * e