In the present work, we investigate the production mechanism of the Z b ð10610Þ and Z b ð10650Þ states from the ϒð5S; 6SÞ decays. Two types of bottom-meson loops are discussed. We show that the loop contributions with all intermediate states being the S-wave ground state bottom mesons are negligible, while the loops with one bottom meson being the broad B Ã 0 or B 0 1 resonance could provide the dominant contributions to the ϒð5SÞ → Z ð0Þ b π. It is found that such a mechanism is not suppressed by the large width of the B 0 =B 0 1 resonance. In addition, we also estimate the branching ratios for the ϒð6SÞ → Zb π which could be tested by future precise measurements at Belle-II.