a b s t r a c tAn idempotent Latin square of order v is called resolvable and denoted by RILS(v) if the v(v − 1) off-diagonal cells can be resolved into v − 1 disjoint transversals. A large set of resolvable idempotent Latin squares of order v, briefly LRILS(v), is a collection of v − 2 RILS(v)s pairwise agreeing on only the main diagonal. In this paper we display some recursive and direct constructions for LRILSs.A Latin square of order v LS(v) is a v × v array in which each cell contains a single symbol from a v-set X , such that each symbol occurs exactly once in each row and exactly once in each column. We usually index the rows, columns, and symbols(1) each cell of L is empty or contains an element of X ; (2) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k, the subarray indexed by H i × H i is empty (each H i is called a hole); and (3) the elements in row or column x are exactly those of X \ H i if x ∈ H i , and of X otherwise. If each |H i | = h, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, we denote the incomplete Latin square by LS(v; h k ). An (incomplete) Latin square L = (a ij ) is idempotent if a ii = i for each i not in the holes. An ILS(v) denotes an idempotent LS(v).Let L be an (incomplete) Latin square of order v on a symbol set X . A transversal of L is a set of v cells, one from each row and column, containing each of the v symbols exactly once. If L is an ILS(v), then the main diagonal cells form a transversal, which we call an idempotent transversal.Suppose that L = (a ij ) and L ′ = (b ij ) are LS(v)s on a set X . L and L ′ are orthogonal if every element of X × X occurs exactly once among the v 2 pairs (a ij , b ij ), i, j ∈ X . If an idempotent Latin square L = (a ij ) on I v is resolvable with v disjoint transversals T 0 , T 1 , . . . , T v−1 , then it has an orthogonal mate L ′ = (b ij ), where b ij = k if (i, j) ∈ T k . If T 0 is the idempotent transversal of L, then the main diagonal entries of L ′ are all 0's. For an RILS we often use such an orthogonal mate to designate its resolution.