The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) is widely used to assess the use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression strategies to regulate negative emotions. The present study evaluates the psychometric properties, reliability and validity of a Chilean adaptation of the ERQ in a large sample of 1543 participants aged between 18 and 87 (38% male, 62% female). The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed the expected two-factor structure and factorial invariance in relation to gender. Results also indicated adequate internal consistency, test–retest reliability, convergent and predictive validity in predicting posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth six months after the first measurement in a subsample of students exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of reappraisal was positively associated with general well-being, whereas the use of suppression was positively associated with depressive symptomatology. In terms of posttraumatic consequences, the use of reappraisal was negatively associated with posttraumatic symptomatology and positively associated with posttraumatic growth six months later; in turn, suppression was positively associated with posttraumatic symptomatology and negatively associated with posttraumatic growth six months later. This study demonstrates that the ERQ is a valid and reliable instrument to measure emotional regulation strategies in Chilean adults.