Background: The Morel-Lavallée Injury (MLI) is a closed soft tissue injury as a result of an abrupt separation of
the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia degloving. Clinically this lesion is presented as a long
and painful injury to the affected part with soft tissue swelling and fluctuation.
Clinical case: Male of 37 years-old, who suffered accident by crushing multiple dermoabrasives injuries drag and
edema of both lower extremities without bone fractures, four months after he underwent a needle puncture in the
left leg obtaining liquid 1400 ml, practiced 3 times the same procedure with reduced liquid each time. Ultrasound
liquid is observed in the affected area septate on the inner side of the leg.
Discussion: The MLI is presented to one debonding or avulsion of the skin by the tangential mechanism of injury
where a shearing damage to hemolinphatic contribution of the tissues around the muscle fascia occurs,which favors
filling with hematic fluid, lymphatic , liquefied fat and debris. All this is surrounded by granulation tissue, a fibrotic
organizing pseudocapsule or capsule that prevents reabsorption of liquid; this explains the late onset of MLI. The
current treatment of this disease is variable and depends according to the time of diagnosis. Surgical management
should be reserved for recalcitrant lesions where aspiration and compression have not been successful.