We show that for each algebraic space that is separated and of finite type over a field, and whose affinization is connected and reduced, there is a universal morphism to a para-abelian variety. The latter are schemes that acquire the structure of an abelian variety after some ground field extension. This generalizes classical results of Serre on universal morphisms from algebraic varieties to abelian varieties. Our proof relies on corresponding facts for the proper case, together with the theory of Macaulayfication, removal of singularities by alterations, pseudo-rational singularities, ind-objects, and Bockstein maps. It turns out that the formation of the Albanese variety commutes with base-change up to universal homeomorphisms. We also give a detailed analysis of Albanese maps for algebraic curves and algebraic groups, with special emphasis on imperfect ground fields.Contents 21 8. The case of algebraic groups 25 References 29