The locals in Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia have been taking certain Zingiberaceae plants with medicinal value as daily dietary intake primarily for common health purposes and these traditional uses has not been explored and documented well. The objective is to recognize and list out both plants and plant parts that have been utilized by Kelantan people and the traditional uses. Ethnobotanical field surveys were conducted by doing a verbal interview with 20 old folks of the selected village and ethnomedicinal data were collected regarding the uses of Zingiberaceae medicinal plants. The identification process was done by collecting Zingiberaceae plants under guidance from the old folks. Further information from plants identification was assembled through literature reviewed on their recorded medicinal values. The study yielded 10 medicinal plants focused on family Zingiberaceae. Regarding the utilization of medicinal plant, rhizomes were used predominantly followed by leaves and fruits. Decoction of plant parts is used for oral and application on skin. The studied plants list aids to preserve the indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants used by locals in Kelantan.