The development of explants of 12 cultivars and breeding samples of essential oil rose (obtained with the participation of Rosa damascena Mill., R. gallica L., R. alba L.) during long-term micropropagation was investigated. At the second multiplication stage 5 subcultures were carried out. Increase of the studied morphometric parameters of explants to 3-4th subcultures was established. In some genotypes, the maximum multiplication index was in the third subculture (сultivars ‘Raduga’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Lada’, ‘Krymskaya Krasnaya’, ‘Lany’, ‘Vesna’ and samples N37-24, M215), while in others (сultivar ‘Kazanlykskaya’ and samples N138, G2168, N37-2) – in the fourth. The largest increase of the multiplication index in 3-4th subcultures compared to the first (3.0-4.8 times) was found in the cultivars ‘Lada’, ‘Lany’, ‘Raduga’, ‘Krymskaya Krasnaya’ and sample N37-24. In the fifth subculture the multiplication index decreased. However, in most cultivars and breeding samples it was higher than in the first subculture. The best morphogenetic potential was noted for сultivar ‘Raduga’ and samples G2168, N37-2, in which the multiplication index reached 14.2, 14.4 and 11.8, respectively. The minimal ability to propagation in vitro was in samples M215 and N138 – their multiplication index did not exceed 1.1 - 4.0.