Based on morphological and molecular evidence, Argiope macrochoera Thorell, 1891 from China is found to be the unknown female of A. cameloides Zhu & Song, 1994, the known male of A. perforata Schenkel, 1963 is mismatched and provisionally suggested to be the male of A. boesenbergi Levi, 1983, and the true male of A. perforata Schenkel, 1963 is described for the first time. Argiope abramovi Logunov & Jäger, 2015 is suggested to be a synonym of A. perforata Schenkel, 1963. Argiope chloreides Chrysanthus, 1961 and A. vietnamensis Ono, 2010 are newly recorded from China. The unknown male of A. vietnamensis Ono, 2010 is described for the first time.