The cosmopolitan Ganoderma is an important pathogen on arboreal plant hosts. Ganoderma is particularly diverse in tropical and temperate regions. It has long been used as traditional medicine because of its beneficial medicinal properties and chemical constituents. In this study, Ganoderma collections were made in tropical regions of Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and temperate Yunnan Province, China. The specimens are described based on micro-macro characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of combined ITS, LSU, TEF1α, and RPB2 sequence data. In this comprehensive study, we report 22 Ganoderma species from temperate and tropical regions of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), namely G. adspersum , G. applanatum , G. australe , G. calidophilum , G. ellipsoideum , G. flexipes , G. gibbosum , G. heohnelianum , G. hochiminhense , G. leucocontextum , G. lingzhi , G. lucidum , G. multiplicatum , G. multipileum , G. myanmarens e , G. orbiforme , G. philippii , G. resinaceum , G. sinense , G. subresinosum , G. williamsianum , and G. tsugae . Of these species, 12 were collected from Yunnan Province, China; three species, were collected from Laos; three species, 2 new records, and one new species were collected from Myanmar; 15 species, and four new records were collected from Thailand; and one new species was collected from Vietnam. Comprehensive descriptions, color photographs of macro and micro characteristics, the distribution of Ganoderma in the GMS and worldwide, and a phylogenetic tree showing the placement of all the Ganoderma reported from the GMS are provided.