The experiment was conducted at tobacco research station Khan Garhi, Mardan during summer 2009-2010. The experiment was design in completely randomized block design (CRBD) with three replicates for different suckrecides i.e. Myleng 2, Stomp 330 E, Tamex and Pendimethalin 33 EC along with topping or desuckering.Correct study revealed that significant differences prevailed among different chemical suckrecides for the traits studied. Maximum values for leaf area (994.5), fresh weight of leaves/plot (47.22 gm), cured weight of leaves/plot (7.127), and leaf yield (3195 kg/ha) maximum values were obtained in plots treated with pendimethalin 33EC, whereas, minimum mean values for number of suckers/plant (1.4), green weight of suckers/plant (60.11 gm) and dry weight of suckers/plant (18.43 gm) were also obtained for the plots treated with Pendimethalin 33EC. Other suckrecides were also effective in increasing leaf area and leaf weight.Maximum mean values for number of suckers/plant (15), fresh weight of suckers/plant (394.5gm) and dry weight of suckers/plant (76.38 gm) were obtained for control plants. Whereas minimum values for leaf area (792.5cm 2 ), fresh weight of leaves/plot (40.69gm), cured weight of leaves/plot (5.76 gm), and leaf yield (2585 kg/ha) was obtained for the plots of control treatment. It was observed that chemical suckrecides gave maximum values for yield (leaves) and yield associated traits by controlling suckers in comparison with manual desuckering. Suckerecides were found effective in increasing yield and controlling suckers in comparison with manual desuckering and Pendimethalin 33 EC gave maximum leaf area and leaf yield.