Photosynthesis in the surface ocean and subsequent export of a fraction of this fixed carbon leads to carbon dioxide sequestration in the deep ocean. Ecological relationships among plankton functional groups and theoretical relationships between particle size and sinking rate suggest that carbon export from the euphotic zone is more efficient when communities are dominated by large organisms. However, this hypothesis has never been tested against measured size spectra spanning the >5 orders of magnitude found in plankton communities. Using data from five ocean regions (California Current Ecosystem, North Pacific subtropical gyre, Costa Rica Dome, Gulf of Mexico, and Southern Ocean subtropical front), we quantified carbon‐based plankton size spectra from heterotrophic bacteria to metazoan zooplankton (size class cutoffs varied slightly between regions) and their relationship to net primary production and sinking particle flux. Slopes of the normalized biomass size spectra (NBSS) varied from −1.6 to −1.2 (median slope of −1.4 equates to large 1–10 mm organisms having a biomass equal to only 7.6% of the biomass in small 1–10 μm organisms). Net primary production was positively correlated with the NBSS slope, with a particularly strong relationship in the microbial portion of the size spectra. While organic carbon export co‐varied with NBSS slope, we found only weak evidence that export efficiency is related to plankton community size spectra. Multi‐variate statistical analysis suggested that properties of the NBSS added no explanatory power over chlorophyll, primary production, and temperature. Rather, the results suggest that both plankton size spectra and carbon export increase with increasing system productivity.