The main objective of this article was to analyze prevalence data about myocardial bridging (MB) in published studies. To this purpose, we performed a meta-analysis of studies published in English literature that contained data about the prevalence of MB and its anatomical characteristics. The overall prevalence was 19% (CI: 17-21%); autopsy studies revealed an overall prevalence of 42% (CI: 30-55%), CT studies 22% (CI: 18-25%), and coronary angiography 6% (CI: 5-8%). Most bridges were located on the left anterior descending artery (82% overall, 63% on autopsy studies), had a mean thickness of 2.47 mm and a mean length of 19.3 mm. In conclusion, autopsy studies should be the gold standard in evaluating the actual prevalence of myocardial bridges, while in vivo high-resolution CT scanning should be preferred to coronary angiography studies.