Ivanová H., Pristaš P., Ondrušková E. (2016): Comparison of two Coniochaeta species (C. ligniaria and C. malacotricha) with a new pathogen of black pine needles -Sordaria macrospora. Plant Protect. Sci., 52: 18-25.A new pathogen, Sordaria macrospora, isolated from damaged needles of black pine (Pinus nigra) causes discolouration, brown spots, blight symptoms, and necroses spoiling aesthetic value. Two species, C. ligniaria and C. malacotricha, the most common anamorphs attributed to Coniochaeta species occurring on selected conifers, and a new pathogen, Sordaria macrospora, occurring on Pinus nigra, are compared. Specific differences in spore size and anamorph morphology between the similar species C. malacotricha and C. ligniaria could be confirmed.