SUMMARY1. Muscle spindles with an intact blood supply and uninterrupted connexions with ventral and dorsal spinal roots (Bessou & Pages, 1967 have been prepared in cat's tenuissimus muscles with the aim of cinephotographically recording intrafusal movements induced by the stimulation ofsingle static or dynamic y axons; the time course ofthese movements and the morphological kind of activated intrafusal muscle fibres have been established.2. Displacements of spindle guiding marks in the equatorial region elicited by stimulating single static y axons are 4-20 times greater in amplitude than the ones elicited by stimulating dynamic y axons at the same frequency.3. The dynamic y axons induced a contraction only in nuclear bag fibres which, in addition, never received any static y innervation. The static y axons evoked contractions either in nuclear bag fibres alone, or in nuclear chain fibres alone, or in both types of intrafusal fibres. Two thirds of static y axons supplied nuclear bag fibres. For various reasons, one half only of static y axons innervating nuclear bag fibres could be shown to simultaneously innervate nuclear chain fibres. Consequently, about one third of static y axons supplied both nuclear bag fibres and nuclear chain fibres, but it is highly probable that this latter figure is an underestimate. One third of static y axons produced contraction in nuclear chain fibres only. In this work, the distribution of fusimotor axons has been established in only one muscle spindle of the cluster of muscle spindles that each fusimotor axon is generally innervating.4. Generally speaking, a static y axon elicits contraction of several intrafusal fibres whereas a dynamic y axon innervates only one intrafusal fibre and frequently only one pole of the fibre. P. BESSOU AND B. PAGES 5. One third of static y axons evoked contractions in nuclear chain fibres that seemed to involve the whole pole. The other static y axons and all dynamic y axons produced, in the intrafusal fibres that they supplied, one or several foci of localized contractions.6. The nuclear chain fibres contract and relax faster than nuclear bag fibres. The contractions of nuclear bag fibres supplied by static y axons are stronger and faster than those of nuclear bag fibres innervated by dynamic y axons. Nearly all nuclear bag fibres innervated by static y axons, like the nuclear chain fibres, show transient contractions at each pulse of a stimulation at low frequency (2-20/sec).7. The results are discussed taking into account the available anatomical and physiological data on the muscle spindle. Their consequences with regard to intrafusal working are briefly considered.