Animals swim in water, fly in air, or dive into water to find mates, chase prey, or escape from predators. Even though these locomotion modes are phenomenologically distinct, we can rationalize the underlying hydrodynamic forces using a unified fluid potential model. First, we review the previously known complex potential of a moving thin plate to describe circulation and pressure around the body. Then, the impact force in diving or thrust force in swimming and flying are evaluated from the potential flow model. For the impact force, we show that the slamming or impact force of various ellipsoid-shaped bodies of animals increases with animal weight, however, the impact pressure does not vary much. For fliers, birds and bats follow a linear correlation between thrust lift force and animal weight. For swimming animals, we present a scaling of swimming speed as a balance of thrust force with drag, which is verified with biological data. Under this framework, three distinct animal behaviors (i.e., swimming, flying, and diving) are similar in that a thin appendage displaces and pressurizes a fluid, but different in regards to the surroundings, being either fully immersed in a fluid or at a fluid interface.