Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was used to study the degradation behavior of thin multilayer stacks; Si 3 N 4 /Ag/Si 3 N 4 . Measurements were carried out in 0.5 M Na 2 SO 4 adjusted at pH 10. The impedance data collected at the open circuit potential were analyzed with a physical model where all elements are clearly defined. The results suggest a constant phase element behavior at the electrolyte dielectric interface assigned to an in-depth distribution of local resistivity through the dielectric layer induced by the electrolyte penetration. To explain the electrochemical behavior of the thin silver layer, a localized corrosion in a delaminated zone between the upper dielectric and the silver layers was adopted. The localized corrosion was found to be related to the granular structure of the silver layer in which pores are formed between the grains of silver. This model is equivalent to a recently developed double porosity or pore-in-pore model.Thin film deposition of metallic, dielectric, and semiconducting materials is widely used in many applications, including microelectronic devices, optical coatings, solar cells, and thin-film batteries. [1][2][3][4] Silver is the most used metal for industrial optical applications. This metal possesses the highest reflectivity, from 400 nm through the IR, and the lowest polarization splitting among all metals. 5 Silver also has the lowest emissivity of all metals in the visible and IR regions. However, in aggressive environments, a silver layer is susceptible to deterioration. This deterioration depends on many factors, such as pH, humidity, temperature, type and concentrations of pollutants, and exposure time. [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] To study the degradation behavior of silver thin films in such environments, different analytical methods are commonly employed. The most commonly used techniques are transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and recently time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. 16,17 These various techniques provide only very local information and often require complex sample preparation. Recently, electrochemical methods, and, more specifically, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), have emerged as an alternate way to study material and interface properties of thin film stacks. [18][19][20] The interpretation of EIS results is usually done through the construction of equivalent electric circuits that simulate the system under investigation. This allows the extraction of physical parameters related to the film microstructure that are not easily accessible by other techniques. 21 For instance, Zeng et al. 18 show that EIS can be applied to measure the nano-porosity of diamond-like carbon films deposited on silicon substrates. They used an equivalent circuit that took into account both open and closed pores. Tse Chu et al. 22 showed that dielectric protected silver reflectors can be reasonably described by an equivalent circuit consisting of two constant phase element (CPE) components. They considered only ...