Dendritic growth plagues the development of rechargeable lithium metal anodes. Recently, it has been reported that (Science 2018(Science , 359, 1513(Science −1516 self-heating of the cell provides a mitigation strategy for suppressing dendrites. In order to study this phenomenon, we extend our recently developed nonlinear phase-field model to incorporate an energy balance equation allowing a full thermally coupled electrodeposition model using the open-source software package MOOSE. In this work, we consider the interplay between ionic transport and electrochemical reaction rate as a function of temperature and explore the possibility of using thermal shock induced dendrite suppression. We discover that, depending on the electrochemical reaction barrier and ionic diffusion barrier, self-heating could accelerate (larger reaction barrier) or decelerate (larger diffusion barrier) dendrite formation. Given that the electrolyte constituents can be used to tune both barriers, this study could provide an important avenue to exploit the self-heating effect favorably through electrolyte engineering.