Over time, anatomists have been concerned with the preservation of anatomical parts for a long time. Thus, in the modern era, both colouring and fixing substances, as well as plastic and corrosive materials have been used in the manufacture of corrosion and plastinated specimens. The ultimate aim was to make the dissected anatomical specimens as lasting and accurate as possible. Thus, parenchymal viscera, which have a certain tissue thickness, greater than in the tubular viscera, are more difficult to preserve and obviously to dissect. The time required to preserve those increases accordingly. In our study we have used 62 formalized adult human kidneys, belonging to 31 bilateral dissected bodies, different age and gender, 20 males and 11 females. We have removed all the kidneys from the renal fossa and we have made 23 corrosion casts, and 39 specimens have been plastinated. There have been dissected 30 structures considered as normal in size and morphological aspect and 9 have been preserved entirely because they did not fit within the normal physiological limits. All 39 kidneys have been undergone to S10 Biodur rubber silicone technique preservation.