The study was undertaken to see the variation of the suprascapular notch. The notch is present on the superior border of the scapula near the root of coracoid process. It is roofed by the superior transverse ligament and is converted into foramen for the passage of suprascapular nerve. The study was carried out on 121 scapulae in the department of Anatomy RMC Loni, Ahmednagar. The parameters included in the study were presence of notch, shape of notch, transvers length of notch, edge of notch, ossification of transverse ligament and other finding were also noted. The parameters were measured by Vernier calliper and appropriate statistical tests were applied.
The supra-scapular notch was present in 82.64% of scapulae. U Deep shaped notch was most common shape followed by J shallow shaped notch. Round edge at the depth of the notch was more common.
The knowledge of suprascapular notch variations is of great importance for surgeons performing suprascapular nerve decompression especially by means of endoscopic techniques. Our anatomical study helps the clinicians before planning a surgery.