The genus Oreochromis is among the most popular of the tilapiine cichlid tribe for aquaculture.However, their temperature and hypoxia tolerance, if tested at all, is usually tested at temperatures of 20-25 C, rather than at the considerably higher temperatures of 30-35 C typical of tropical aquaculture. We hypothesized that both larvae and adults of the heat and hypoxia-adapted Tabasco-line of the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus would be relatively hypoxia-tolerant. Oxygen consumption rate ( _ MO 2 ), Q 10 and aquatic surface respiration (ASR) was measured using closed respirometry at 2 (c. 0.2 g), 30 (c. 2-5 g), 105 c. (10-15 g) and 240 (c. 250 g) days of development, at 25 C, 30 C and 35 C. _ MO 2 at 30 C was inversely related to body mass: c. 90 μM O 2 g −1 /h in larvae down to c. 1 μM O 2 g −1 /h in young adults. Q 10 for _ MO 2 was typical for fish over the range 25-35 C of 1.5-2.0. ASR was exhibited by 50% of the fish at pO 2 of 15-50 mmHg in a temperature-dependent fashion. However, the largest adults showed notable ASR only when pO 2 fell to below 10 mmHg. Remarkably, p crit for _ MO 2 was 12-17 mmHg at 25-30 C and still only 20-25 mmHg across development at 35 C. These values are among the lowest measuredfor teleost fishes. Noteworthy is that all fish maintain equilibrium, ventilated their gills and showed routine locomotor action for 10-20 min after _ MO 2 ceased at near anoxia and when then returned to oxygenated waters, all fish survived, further indicating a remarkable hypoxic tolerance. Remarkably, data assembled for _ MO 2 from >30 studies showed a > x2000 difference, which we attribute to calculation or conversion errors. Nonetheless, p crit was very low for allOreochromis sp. and lowest in the heat and hypoxia-adapted Tabasco line.
K E Y W O R D Shypoxia tolerance, _ MO 2 , Oreochromis, oxygen consumption, Tabasco-line tilapiadevelopment