We propose a new and general method for discovering novel ordered phases of block copolymer melts. The method involves minimizing a free energy functional in an arbitrary unit cell with respect to the composition profile and the dimensions of the unit cell, without any prior assumption of the microphase symmetry. Varying the initial conditions allows to search for different stable and metastable structures. Application of this method to ABC star and linear triblock copolymers using an approximate free energy reveals new morphologies not yet observed in experiment. PACS numbers: 61.25.Hq, 61.41.+e, 64.75.+g Block copolymers serve as a fertile source of "soft materials" exhibiting fascinating periodically ordered microphases such as the "knitting pattern" (KP) [1] and the core-shell bicontinuous gyroid phase [2]. The spontaneous microphase ordering of block copolymers is driven by repulsive interactions acting between distinct blocks, delicately balanced by the configurational entropy which reflects the elasticity of the polymer chain. The chemical bonds connecting different types of blocks keep the segregation on a molecular scale leading to domains of the order of 10-100 nm. The morphology formed in the ordered state depends on composition, the interaction energies between distinct blocks, as well as the particular molecular architecture. These facts are responsible for the rich and complex phase diagrams characterizing block copolymer melts [3].Different levels of mean field theory have proven to capture the essential features characterizing microphase ordering of block copolymers [3,4]. Among those, the most accurate calculation requires a full self-consistent field (SCF) approach [5]. However, in spite of the theoretical successes, novel morphologies have almost always been discovered first in experiments. The reason is that theoretical approaches are all based upon calculating and comparing free energies of predetermined symmetries. This limitation is especially accentuated when exploring the large parameter space and various molecular designs of multiblock copolymers. On the other hand, Monte Carlo simulation methods, though free of assumptions about the symmetry of the phases, are computationally expensive and limited by finite size effects [6,7].In this paper we propose an alternative approach for studying the morphology of multiblock copolymers without the need to assume the symmetry of the ordered phase. Drolet and Fredrickson [8] have recently proposed a numerical implementation of SCF theory that, similarly, does not require the assumption of the microphase symmetry. Unlike Matsen and Schick [5] they search for low free energy solutions by solving the self-consistent equations in real space. In contrast to their optimization procedure, our approach involves minimizing an approximate free energy functional in an arbitrary unit cell, with respect to both the density profile and the dimensions of the unit cell. Obviously, the same idea can be implemented using a SCF free energy; however, consideratio...