ABSTRACT:The effect of different mixing protocols in the preparation of PA6/ABS/MMA-MA (57.5/37.5/5 wt %) blends on their morphological, rheological, thermal, thermomechanical, and mechanical behavior were studied. Despite the second-phase size reduction due to copolymer incorporation, mixing sequence seems to play an important role in the properties of the blends. When PA6 is blended with the pre-blended ABS/MMA-MA system, compatibilizer is preferentially located in ABS phase and a co-continuous structure is formed. The co-continuity is believed to be responsible for the enhancements in toughness, but excessive presence of MMA-MA in ABS phase seems to hamper thermomechanical properties. On the other hand, when ABS is blended with the PA6/MMA-MA system previously prepared, compatibilizer is preferentially located in PA6 phase and a particle-in-matrix morphology is observed. The absence of excessive amount of MMA-MA in ABS phase avoids the negative effect on thermomechanical resistance, however enhancements in toughness are not so pronounced.