The digestive system of fish presents marked morphological and functional variations, which reflect the wide diversity of this group and its different feeding habits (Díaz, García, Devincenti, & Goldemberg, 2003). The general morphology of the digestive tract is mainly related to the nature of the feeding habits, the environment in which the fish inhabit, and the size and shape of the body (Andrade, Guimarães, Rotundo & Mari, 2017). In teleosts, it has some basic structural similarities, such as its anatomical division, consisting of the buccopharyngeal cavity, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, anus and accessory organs such as the liver, gallbladder and pancreas (Santos, Arantes, Santiago & Santos, 2015). However, depending on the feeding habit, the gastrointestinal tract can vary between species. For example, the size of the stomach and intestines, the presence of pyloric cecum in the