The authors have observed a vertebral anomaly in French and English Bulldogs and termed this anomaly “vertebral vascular canal dysplasia (VVCD).” No previously published descriptions of this anomaly were found. The aims of this retrospective, multi‐institutional, observational study were to (1) describe the clinical, CT, and MRI characteristics of VVCD, and (2) estimate the prevalence and describe the characteristics of VVCD in a group of French and English Bulldogs. For descriptions of the anomaly, medical records and imaging studies of nine clinical cases with VVCD from several countries were reviewed. For estimation of prevalence, imaging studies of French and English Bulldogs from the United Kingdom (UK) and Italy were reviewed. All clinical case dogs had ≥5 thoracic vertebrae with VVCD affecting >50% of vertebral body height (VBH). The prevalence of VVCD involving ≥1 thoracic vertebra in the UK population (CT identified) of English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs was, respectively, 83.3% (30/36) and 68.3% (28/41). English Bulldogs had significantly more thoracic vertebrae with VVCD than French Bulldogs (P = < 0.01). The prevalence of VVCD in ≥1 thoracic vertebra in the Italian population (MRI identified) of English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs was, respectively, 21.7% (5/23) and 6.6% (7/106). Vertebral vascular canal dysplasia was observed in normal as well as in malformed vertebrae (e.g., hemivertebrae). Findings from the current study introduced descriptions of VVCD that can be used as background for future studies.