Esta tese é dedicada aos meus anjos da guarda na terra:Minha mãe, meu amor, pelo amor incondicional, pelas sábias palavras em todos os momentos da minha vida e pelo seu fervor nas orações para que o senhor Deus me encha de bênçãos.Minha irmã Sandra, minha adoração, meu melhor presente da vida, o amor mais leal.Meu pai, sempre presente, pelo apoio e suporte incondicional, pela dedicação e o esforço a suas filhas.Minha família, minha fonte de fortaleza e palavras de alento. À minha família, meus pais Myriam e Alejandro, e minha irmã Sandra.À minha orientadora Profa. Dra. Eneiva Carla Carvalho Celeghini pela paciência, dedicação, pelo apoio em todo momento e pelo interesse por meu crescimento profissional.Mas, principalmente porque ao longo desses anos você não só me ensinou à ser uma pesquisadora, mas também um ser humano melhor, além que, você é meu melhor exemplo de trabalho, com coragem e determinação. Muito carinho e muita gratidão. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sperm characteristics of bovine semen and the impact on fertility when used in an IATF program. Four experiments were carried out and described in the form of scientific articles. In article 1. We compared the semen quality determined by subjective and objective methods for the in vitro sperm analysis of bovine semen. According to the results, three groups were analyzed: high quality (A), good quality (B) and high quality (A), Questionable quality (Q). Subsequently, the results of objective analyzes using fluorescence probes by epifluorescence microscopy were analyzed to determine the integrity of plasma, acrosomal membrane and mitochondrial membrane potential (% PIAIA); And using the computerized sperm motility evaluation system (CASA), the effect was evaluated using ANOVA and Tukey 5%. Afterwards, 67 matches were used to determine the agreement to determine seminal quality according to three methods of seminal evaluation: (1) Subjective analysis considering subjective motility, vigor and sperm morphology (2) Analysis by CASA taking into consideration the TM, VCL, VSL and VAP and (3) Analysis by fluorescent probes considering % PIAIA. Pearson correlation analysis and concordance analysis (Kappa significance) were performed. In article 2, 18 sets of semen were classified according to the fertility index of each bull in two groups: High fertility (n = 9) and Low fertility (n = 9). The classification of the score was provided by the central office based on data from 33,198 services by IATF. The semen were subjected to conventional analyzes, CASA, fluorescent probe analysis to evaluate the percentage of PIAIA in epifluorescence microscopy and production of mitochondrial markers by fluorescent probes in flow cytometry. Pearson correlation analyzes were performed on all sperm characteristics and effects between fertility groups were evaluated using ANOVA and Tukey 5%. In article 3 the objective was to determine the relationship between sperm quality measured by the production of mitochondrial markers and the integrity of the spermatic stru...