This paper explores further elaboration of grammatical frames of speaking verbs. All data are taken in Corpus of Contemporary American English. This paper aims to 1) To analyse the structure of sentences that refers to the main grammatical frames of Speaking verbs, 2) To extend the classification into the Tense and Aspect category.
The research describes the potential category of grammatical frames in Speaking verbs by categorizing and interpreting the structure of the sentence. It is compulsory to use systemic description which adopts deepsyntactic analysis: matrix and complement clause, simple and complex sentence, and the use of Tense and Aspect. The extended classification resulted in some classification of grammatical frames; in frame I, ‘Describe’is allowed. In frame II, ‘Shout’ and ‘Call’ are allowed. In frame III, ‘Talk’, ‘Speak’, ‘Discuss’ and ‘Describe’ are allowed. In frame IV, ‘Talk’, ‘Discuss’, ‘Describe’ and ‘Shout’ are included. In frame V, ‘Discuss’, ‘Shout’ and ‘Call’ are included. All classified verbs are also marked in Irrealis, AP (present), PP (present), AP (present) and PP (past). By approaching the data in deep syntactic analysis at the level of clause and sentence, the extended classification of grammatical frames of Speaking verb is also constructed in simple and complex sentence.