“…including 10 min. of moderate exercise (NOAEL) (Koenig et al, 1989 ) for 1 h (LOAEL) (McDonnell et al, 1983(McDonnell et al, , 1985Gong et al, 1986;CARB, 1987aCARB, , 1987b Perchloroethylene CNS effects (abnormal modified Romberg test) and symptoms (headache, mild irritation of the eyes and light-headedness) in three human subjects inhaling 100 ppm for 3 h (LOAEL) (Stewart et al, 1970) Phenol Lack of irritation of the eyes, nose and throat in eight human volunteers who inhaled 5.2 ppm by face mask only for 8 h (NOAEL) (Piotrowski, 1971) Phosgene No histological changes in the lungs of rats inhaling 0.1 ppm for 4 h (NOAEL) (Diller et al, 1985) Propylene oxide Dyspnea in mice exposed to 387 ppm for 4 h (LOAEL) (NTP, 1985) Sodium hydroxide Subjective complaints of eye, skin and respiratory irritation among 291 workers exposed to 0.5 mg m −3 (LOAEL) (Ott et al, 1977) Styrene Absence of eye and throat irritation in three people inhaling 51 ppm for 20 min (NOAEL) (Stewart et al, 1968) Sulfates No decrease in airway conductance in 17 human asthmatics inhaling 450 µg m −3 as H 2 SO 4 for 16 min (NOAEL) (Utell et al, 1983) Sulfur dioxide No adverse respiratory effects and no bronchoconstriction in healthy, asthmatic or atopic volunteers exposed to 0.25 ppm for 75 min (NOAEL) (Linn et al, , 1987Roger et al, 1985) (Utell et al, 1984) Toluene No impaired reaction time or symptoms of headache, dizziness, a feeling of intoxication or slight eye and nose irritation in 16 young, healthy males exposed to 400 ppm for 6 h (NOAEL) (Andersen et al, 1983) Triethylamine Absence of visual disturbances, eye irritation and transient corneal edema in two healthy human volunteers exposed for 8 h to 10 mg m −3 (NOAEL) (Akesson et al, 1985(Akesson et al, , 1988 …”