Sudden death from acute forms of cardiovascular diseases, especially in working age, when it is physiologically clearly premature, is evidence of diseases not detected in time: the main task of cardiologists is to avoid the transition of chronic pathologies into an acute form, in which the condition can worsen at lightning speed. Acute and chronic forms of cardiovascular diseases require different clinical approaches. Thus, the division of pathologies into two blocks– acute and chronic conditions– has, in addition to academic, purely practical significance. In this context, the specifics of the metropolis, with its developed medical structure, both emergency and hospital, and outpatient, are extremely interesting. The present study is devoted to identifying differences in the dynamics of acute and chronic forms of circulatory diseases during stable and crisis periods in a metropolis. It demonstrated that the contribution of acute conditions to both mortality from coronary heart disease and CVB, as well as losses from diseases of the circulatory system in general, decreased significantly in the population of Moscow during the study period, which certainly indicates positive changes in mortality. Similar processes were observed in Russia, but in Moscow the proportion of acute conditions was lower than the national one.