Liver сirrhosis (LC) is one of the acute health problems due to its high prevalence worldwide, the development of various complications and a significant decrease in the quality of life of patients. The aim of the study was to study the immune status in patients with LC of various etiologies. 112 patients with LC who received inpatient treatment in the hepatological department were examined. The cohort of patients with LC was divided into 4 groups depending on the etiological factors of LC: the first and second groups included patients with LC that developed in the outcome of hepatitis B (HBV + ) and C (HCV + ), respectively, the third grouppatients with alcoholic LC, the fourthpatients with LC of mixed etiology (HCV + + alcoholic liver disease). In addition to the generally accepted standard research methods, the patient examination program included immunological tests: identification of Tand B-lymphocytes, subpopulations of T-lymphocytes by the method of immunophenotyping of mononuclear blood cells using monoclonal antibodies, determination of IgM, IgG, IgA in blood serum, circulating immune complexes (CIC) by immunoturbidimetric method. Comparison of the immune status indicators of patients with LC and healthy individuals revealed hyperimmunoglobulinemia in patients with LC in all groups, in most groups an increase in the content of CIC, an increase in the number of T helper cells, activated T cells and B lymphocytes. The analysis of immunological parameters using the analysis of variance according to the Kraskel-Wallis Hcriterion revealed intergroup differences in IgG levels (H=10.58, p=0.0143), the content of T-lymphocytes (H=9.23, p=0.0263), T-helper/inducers (H=9.23, p=0.0263), the IgA level (H=7.96, p=0.03913), the value of the immunoregulatory index (H=7.89, p=0.0483).