valuation of microvilli enzimes by monoclonal antibodies in infants with longstanding diarrheaExpress on o' srnal in-estirie mic'ovilli enzimes lac'ase, sucrase-isomaltase, maltose and aninooeptidase by monoclonal antibodies was studied i-1 biopsies of yeyunai mucosa from eight mfa n ts (age 2 to 1 2 months) and two toddlers (aged 16 and 33 months! xvth persisted diarnea. Results were comparec with clinical findings, nucosal morphocgy (light microscopy], d: saccharidase activities |Dah.qvisti, and Mstochemical expression of lactase. Aminopeptidase was expressed oy monoc'onal anybodies in all pct'erts, both in crypts and villi. Lactase exp-ession by monoclonal antibodies in villi was in agreement with resits of h'stochenical and Dahlqvist methods while ir only two cnidrens "he corresponding enzimes became expressed by monoclonal antibodies in crypts. Sucrase-isomaltase expression by monoclonal antibodies in villi fended to oe more frequent in patient where nucosal morphology was best preserved, excep* for one case who had a primary enzime def ; ciency, even though they were detecteo in the crypts of all but two cases that also showed nc expression in their v Li. Evaluation of microvilli enzimes by monoclonal antibody expression in pa'ients with seconder/ damage to the snail intestine may be useful, because it nay er.hcnce the u r derstanding of impairment a-.d repair mec r -anisms and help to es'imate orogrosis of patients with b r gstanding diarrhea.