SUMMARYThe modeling of MOS transistors used for RF applications needs the definition of a lumped equivalent circuit where the intrinsic device and series extrinsic resistances are properly evaluated. The model accuracy depends on the extraction precision of each intrinsic lumped element. In order to determine the intrinsic device behavior, it is necessary to first remove the series extrinsic resistances. For this reason their extraction becomes critical for the modeling of MOS transistors in RF circuit design. Several extraction methods have been proposed; nevertheless, the measurement noise strongly affects the obtained results. The method proposed by Bracale and co-workers is the most robust extraction procedure against measurement noise, but fails to predict correctly the series extrinsic resistances for deep-submicron devices. For those reasons, we deeply analyze the method proposed by Bracale in order to understand and then overcome its limitations. Based on those analyses, a robust extraction method for deep-submicron devices is proposed.