Li 0.5 Fe 1.0 Rh 1.5 O 4 has been studied by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy. The crystal structure is characterized by the additional reflection (200) that is described by 1:1 ordered structure of Li, Fe at tetrahedral (A) site and can be assigned to the space group F43m. The lattice constant (a 0 ) is 8.4348 Å. The temperature dependence of the magnetic hyperfine field is analyzed by the Néel theory of ferrimagnetism. The inter-sublattice superexchange interaction is found to be antiferromagnetic with a strength of J A−B = −3.78 k B while the intra-sublattice superexchange interactions are ferromagnetic with strengths of J A−A = 5.40 k B and J B−B = 7.39 k B . The Debye temperatures of the tetrahedral and octahedral sites are determined to be 388 and 464 ± 3 K, respectively, and the Néel temperature has been found to be 260 ± 3 K.