As intensive farmlands cover increasing areas of the world, associated biotic richness is crucial for the biodiversity of entire regions. Using data on non‐target Macrolepidopteran moths captured by a crop pest monitoring system, we compared local (100 m perimeter)‐ and landscape‐scale (1000 m perimeter) predictors of the numbers of moth individuals and moth species richness. During a single year (2009), eighteen light traps captured 91 726 individuals of 564 moths species. Typically for biotically impoverished habitats, the catches were dominated by a few superabundant species. Even in these impoverished assemblages, numbers of species increased with increasing herb and woody plants diversity (100 m around the traps), crop diversity (1000 m perimeter), landscape composition (1000 m) and configuration (100 and 1000 m). Abundance of the catches increased only with woody plants diversity in 100 m perimeters. In separate analyses of two species‐rich families, the presumably less mobile Geometridae increased with landscape configuration (i.e. density of edges) within 100 m perimeters around the traps, whereas the species richness of more mobile Noctuidae also reflected the landscape composition (i.e. proportional representation of land covers) at 100 m perimeters. Proportional representation of pest species decreased with increasing richness of herb and woody plants. Taken together, farmland heterogeneity increases moth species richness, whereas abundance of the catches mainly depends on local factors in the vicinity of light traps, and the local factors are more important for presumably less mobile Geometridae than for more mobile Noctuidae.